Free All Antifas!
On Thursday, March 20, our friend and comrade Emmi turned herself in to the authorities. She is accused of attacking right-wing extremists on the so-called “Day of Honor”, the major international neo-Nazi event in Budapest in 2023. Like everyone else, she faces extradition to fascist Hungary.
For her, but also for the other accused, imprisoned and still hiding antifas, we will take to the streets together on Saturday!
We will meet on Saturday, March 22nd at 5 pm at the Faulloch in Jena! Let’s be strong together for our antifas and show them: You are not alone!
Freedom for Emmi, Maja, Zaid, Paula, Luca, Nele, Paul, Johann, Tobi, Clara, Gino, Moritz, Hanna and all other imprisoned comrades! Free All Antifas