🌍✊ At Nonnenplan, there’s a vigil today against racism & fascism.
📢 Their call:
In order to set an example against racist agitation and the escalation of fascism, we have been standing on the Nonnenplan since the early morning! Our motto is: Never alone – always united!
We have been observing the escalation of fascism and racism in Germany with concern and anger for a long time – now it has culminated in the resolution of the 5-point plan in the Bundestag and today’s vote on the influx limitation law. Among other things, this would mean a de facto border closure for all refugees. These and other measures reinforce social inequalities, promote exclusion and fuel prejudice. A progressive policy must focus on social justice, international solidarity and the strengthening of human rights.
We want to inform, start a conversation and point out options for action that are available now. This means not voting for the CDU, FDP etc., as these play into the hands of fascist parties like the AFD. The state is not a safe space, which is why we are calling for the vigil to create structures that protect the rights of people affected by racism.
We must stand and fight together with our migrant friends. For the right to go and stay. A social infrastructure is needed for all people, whether they were born here, have lived here for a long time or have only recently arrived.
We are convinced that a lot can be changed if we are many.
Come to the vigil at the Nonnenplan and let’s find out together what we can do to achieve our ideas for a society in which we feel comfortable! There are many different program points! Our goal is to achieve a good life for all. And yours?