There’s always another Riesa ahead.

An image with a color gradient from top left purple to bottom left orange. The text reads: "There's a lot going on!" Overview of events Chemnitz: January 18: 15:00 - 17:30: "C the Unseen: Breaking right-wing continuities!" Jena: January 21: 15:00 - 16:30: Counter-protest to Christian Lindner's speech Halle: January 25: 11:00 - 17:00: Protest against the AfD election campaign kick-off Jena & Eisenberg: 27. January: afternoon: joint commemoration of the victims of National Socialism Jena: January 28: 18:00 - 20:00: large plenum of Rechtsruck Stoppen Apolda: February 1, time tba.: counter-protest to the federal congress of the Junge Alternative Zeulenroda, February 2: 14:00 - 16:00: "Zeulenroda vor der Wahl"" At the bottom right is the logo of Rechtsruck Stoppen, which consists of the name on the left and two interlocking hands.

Only about 1 month to go until the federal elections. After we delayed the start of the party conference in Riesa by more than 2 hours with a loud protest on January 11th, we’re going straight on :). Here you can find an overview of anti-fascist events that we are currently aware of: More information on the protest against the right-wing extremist JA in Apolda and Christian Lindner’s visit to Jena will follow soon. Come around and bring people with you! Alerta!


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